Minutes of Peace & Social Concerns Committee, 12/5/2019

Present: Diane (clerk), Ka (recording), Dan, Jane

***The first half of our meeting was merged with another meeting, a coalition of environmental

groups planning actions to shut down a coal-fuel power plant, in Bow NH. Mount Toby’s

involvement, as a meeting location and in action, has been facilitated by Peter Blood.

Peace and Social Concerns supports these actions. We will let Peter know we support the effort

and as individuals may be involved in actions. We will ask Peter to liaise with the Committee

and keep us informed. We anticipate Climate Witness Committee joining with us in this support.

Friends who would like more information could contact Peter Blood for add’l information.


Following this, we separated for our own agenda:

We began with a time of silence

1. Promised Land exhibit http://promisedlandmuseum.org

Jane & Ka saw it. Concern re amount of space it takes + amount of reading. Ka will find out how

long (in time) it can be left up. Also how long (distance) it would be set up in a single line. Could

we set it up outside during fellowship, some Sunday in nice weather? It would have to be first or

fourth Sunday. Another idea: set it up throughout the Meetinghouse, and provide a game (like a

trivia quiz) to encourage people to see it all.

2. FCNL priority setting begins in January. We discuss different methods. Once there was beans

to vote with - we like this. Ka will bring to next P&SC a list of poss topics. We’ll associate it with

tax time, in March.

3. Dan and 11:40 hour planning on peace and P&SC committee campaign for more members

The date is March 3. He is thinking about the Quaker peace tradition.

4. Letter writing?

Still on hiatus. We discuss changing the format to electronic. We agree that writing together

(physically), somehow, is important.

5. Concert planning off the regular Concert series schedule:

Yosl Kurland: A Jewish Perspective on Social Justice: Songs in Yiddish, Hebrew and English

Diane has been to one of his workshops, and proposes bringing him to MT as an ‘extra’ in the

concert series, and as a next event in the Jewish Matters series. We discuss other, more

politically oriented, possibilities, such as a dialogue including Palestinian voices. We will go

ahead with this concert, probably on Jan 11. He would come with accordionist & extend the time

to 2 hrs. It would be financed in the usual way of the concert series.

6. Nuclear ban.

David has sent us an update (see below). We want Mount Toby Friends to be informed of

progress made. We will ask David to speak to this at a MfB. Dan will talk to David, asking him

not to drop it quite yet. We are not clear whether all the actions decided at previous MfB,

including letter to the editor, gave been completed.


Dan: ask David to speak at MfB (Jan or Feb?) on nuclear ban status and to obtain closure on

previously proposed tasks.

Diane: arrange Yosl Kurland concert, Jan 11.

Ka: communicate to Peter regarding actions relative to Bow, NH power plant.

Prep possible topics for FCNL priorities for next meeting.

Get info re Promised Land exhibit.

Next meeting: Thursday, Jan 23, 2020, 7 pm at the Meetinghouse.


Status Report on Nuclear Ban Treaty alignment – December 2019

For Mt Toby P≻ Provided by David Ahlfeld

To become treaty aligned, the meeting is asked to:

1. Determine whether the meeting has any investments in the companies involved in

nuclear weapons or products being purchased from those companies.

2. Send letters to the CEOs of those companies informing them of this decision.

The meetings funds are held in two locations: Greenfield Cooperative Bank and the New

England Yearly Meeting Pooled Funds.

Greenfield Cooperative Bank has confirmed, through a letter from its President, Michael

Tucker, that the bank has no “investments in companies that invest in or are involved in

the manufacture of nuclear weapons.”

New England Yearly Meeting Pooled Funds has a policy that “The Board of Managers

avoids investments that are inconsistent with Friends’ testimonies, including companies

that depend upon war materials, alcoholic beverages, tobacco or gambling, and

companies that conduct unfair employment practices or pollute the environment.”

[Investment Guidelines, Section II.B, NEYM Pooled Funds, 17May, 2016].

The meeting does not own, nor does it intend to purchase any products from these

companies. This includes thermostats.

P&SC has submitted an article to the Mt Toby newsletter (published in October) and the

meeting has directed the Clerk of the meeting to write to the CEO of Honeywell.

I learned in early November that Tim and Vicki have decided to “suspend” the treaty

alignment campaign so as to allow more time to focus on the 2020 election. They note in

their message about this that the campaign had not taken off as they had hoped.

I am not clear where this leaves Mt Toby’s process for treaty alignment. It appears to me

that we have completed the steps needed for alignment but the campaign to which we

report our alignment is now in limbo.